Wednesday, June 23, 2010

How can men wear nail polish?

I like to wear nail polish but have to limit where I wear it in public. It there an easy way of wearing is in a subtle unobviouse wayHow can men wear nail polish?
why do you want to wear it??How can men wear nail polish?
Clear coat is the normal-est way for men to wear it....

but why? oh sorry, none of my business. :)
If you want to wear it without being noticed, try a matte color. It looks just like your natural nail.

Of course, there are light shades that are also subtle but ladies will notice.
Try wearing clear polish on your fingers and put the dark shades on your toes.
I wear nail polish all the time except for at work. I start off with clear polish, let dry, then I use a Sally Hansen brand #53 must have Iris. its looks pink but bearly noticed when applied. I love the color and shade. My toes on the other hand are always painted a bright red. Good luck !
r u KIDDING me???

lol :-)

no its not normal......but if u HAVE 2, wear clear
Hi, I can fully understand your situation... Being a t/v, I myself have to be also careful as to where I wear nail polish, as not to draw too much attention to myself...

What I do is wear a shade of pink that is quite close to natural colors, although I don't ';flaunt it'; - I still don't hide the fact..

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