Chemicals aside, she could also let her baby to be a baby, not a doll.
By the way, nail varnish remover isn't a good thing either.Does anyone know if it is safe to use nail polish on a 7 month old's toenails?鈥?/a> You might want to check out this site! It says that it is harmful to all of us and that when you are pregnant you shouldn't wear it either. It says that is causes cancer as well. I am starting to think that everything does. I love my nail polish so it will be hard to get me to stop- but maybe she should lay off because she is sooo young.
i just wanted to say barbarian should read the question fully before answering, belittling and can i just say ripping you a new one. you clearly state its your sister, not you.
Please, talk to a doctor. This sounds like it could be dangerous, and I think you should get an expert's opinion.
Sorry for this (fairly) unhelpful answer, I just feel that a doctor would be your best bet. Or is there any kind of poison control centre you can call?
Best of luck.
I do not have proof but rather common sense. A baby's digestive tract is very sensitive. That is why they eat baby food and not regular food yet. And nail polish isn't exactly edible in the first place.
I put it on my twin girls at around the same age. They are now 4 and it never made them sick though they didn't suck on their toes. I only used a very pale pink though, not anything as bright as purple.
Common sense should be proof enough. Might as well let the child play with lead toys from china and eat paint chips.
But lets get some proof for this mother anyway. Assuming the baby is 1/10th the mothers weight take 10 times the amount of nailpolish used on the baby and paint it on a popsicle. Then give the mother the popsicle to eat. If the mother doesnt get sick, then no need to worry.
all i know is if you consume it you should call poison control and if you have sensitive skin then you normally break out in a rash. I dont think its safe to have a baby under 3 wear nail polish in case she tries to eat it while its drying.
I work in a nursery (ages 0-3) and I've seen many many girls with nail polish, they were all fine. 7 month old is fine!
yes, but best used with high heeled shoes.
Make sure you show this child love as she will die at a young age. Sorry.
No child under the age of 11 should ever wear any kind of makeup. Cute isn't always good.
Nail polish has chemicals in it the the fairly newborn child won't be able to fight properly.
Why would you want to? With all of the hoopla over lead poisoning, what are you thinking of? Who will she impress? Why not let it go until she is old enough to say what she wants to do to her body. She isn't a baby doll nor a toy. Go to Walmart and get one of those ';almost like real'; babies and paint it. Or buy a nice paint set. But for goodness sakes, let your infant daughter be an infant for awhile longer.
In 10 years, please don't write and ask us how you can stop your daughter from sneaking out at night. Don't force her to be an age that she isn't. It is coming soon enough. Along with the headaches. Just hug her, adore her, but don't decorate her. Maybe you can find a room in the house that needs some paint. Have a great day.
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